How to Get Rid of Your Red, Indented Acne Scars For Good posted "How to Get Rid of Your Red, Indented Acne Scars For Good" featuring Visha Skincare Brand founder Dr. Purvisha Patel.

In the article, Dr. Purvisha Patel shares her expert commentary on acne scars along with Advanced Correcting Serum as the product to prevent scars from forming.

It’s annoying enough that a pimple graced you with its presence, but now it’s left behind a reminder: a red, indented scar. Even though you may be well past your teen years, acne can still strike in your 30s, 40s, and 50s, thanks to fluctuating hormones, stress, genetics, or beauty products, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. In fact, 15 percent of adult women struggle with acne. And unfortunately, those spots can stick around long after the pimple has faded.

Acne scars can come in a couple forms, explains dermatologist Kenneth Mark, MD, a clinical assistant professor at NYU Langone. First, the inflammation from small pimples can traumatize pigment cells in the skin, leaving pink or red marks behind. Then there are “atrophic scars,” or those that look pitted or indented. Blame inflammatory acne—those cysts or pustules that look “juicy.”

“They occupy more space under the skin and wreak havoc. When they go away, they can leave a depression in the skin,” says Dr. Mark.

It can be so tempting to pick at or pop your pimples, but maintain a hands-off policy for your skin’s sake. “Squeezing pimples to get the puss out increases the inflammatory response in the skin and can cause more scarring,” says dermatologist Purvisha Patel, MD, owner of Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Associates in Tennessee and Mississippi.

Prevent acne scars from forming in the first place

Visha Skin Care Advanced Correcting Serum

Getting acne under control is key, so you can avoid scarring in the first place. Dr. Patel recommends a product from her own line: Visha Skincare Advanced Correcting Serum. It has retinol, vitamin C, vitamin E, and ferulic acid—ingredients that will reduce the likelihood of pimples and protect against scarring all at once. If you’re dealing with harder-to-treat cystic acne, see a dermatologist for personalized treatment. He or she may suggest an oral medication, like the birth control pill, an antibiotic, or even Accutane for extremely severe cases.

Read the full article here.

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