12 Things Your Mother’s Health Says About You

Reader"s Digest posted "12 Things Your Mother’s Health Says About You" featuring Dr. Purvisha Patel and Visha Skincare .

The article includes Dr. Patel's expert commentary on understanding how to combat the aging process.

Your mother’s body may be an indication of your own future health—here’s how, and what you can do about it.

Crepey skin

Wonder if you’re going to get wrinkles or skin damage? Take a look at your mom’s face. Research has shown that male and female skin ages differently due to different hormones. “Your mother’s ability to break down collagen and the age when it started breaking down—the age when she got wrinkles—are passed down to you, as well as the pattern of collagen breakdown: Did she get wrinkles around her eyes first, or deeper lines around her mouth?” says dermatologist Purvisha Patel, MD, creator of Visha Skin Care. “Looking at pictures of her as she ages helps you understand how to combat your aging process.” Daily sunscreen and an anti-aging serum with retinol, vitamin C, ferulic acid, and vitamin E work to fight these genetic effects, she says. In addition, your skin type, passed down from your mother and your father, can affect your chances of sun damage and skin cancer. Those with fairer skin are most at risk.

Read the full article here.

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