Stylecaster posted "My Go-To Moisturizer for Acne-Prone Skin Is Budget-Friendlyt " featuring Dr. Purvisha Patel and Visha Skincare.
I've had—and continue to have—a long, perilous journey in figuring out what works for my acne-prone, sensitive, and ever-fickle dry-to-oily skin. If I use the wrong products, I break out in a rash that I can only describe as alligator skin (literally, the scales of the reptile form on my face). I’m usually not one for testing out new skin care because I’m legitimately afraid of the outcome, but about two months ago I realized I needed to reevaluate my face moisturizer.
I’d been using Lubriderm Daily Moisture Lotion for well over five years, and while it mostly did its job (aside from when my face was inhumanly dry), I realized it was time to find one that catered to my face instead of easily being able to be slathered over my whole body. So, I put my testing fears aside, and tried out four different moisturizers— from high-end to drugstore, from specialized for acne to SPF 30— in four weeks. The simple conclusion: Two worked and two really, definitely didn’t. Keep reading to find out which ones I’m endorsing for problematic skin and which I’d say let sit on the shelf.
I had such high hopes for this moisturizer after hearing the accolades of Dermalogica, but leave it to my sensitive skin to find the worst in brands. The Clear Start section of Dermalogica is tailored to clearing acne, which I have a lot of the time. This specific lotion has both squalane and hyaluronic acid for hydration, along with ginger, orange, and grapefruit to soothe and protect the skin. All sounds good, right? No. I squeezed about a quarter-size amount of product into my fingers and rubbed it on my face and neck. Immediately my skin started to burn. I wasn’t too freaked out because sometimes this happens but goes away within 20 seconds (not normal, I know). But after a few minutes, the burning continued, and I couldn’t deal with it, I had to wash it off. After experiencing such a strong reaction, I reached out to dermatologist Purvisha Patel, MD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Visha Skincare, to find out why it might have happened.
“This sounds like a reaction specifically to the orange peel oil. Oil of bergamot is the contact allergen, and it was discontinued for years in skin care, but with the surge of natural ingredients, it’s back on the market. The salicylic acid helped with absorption of the bergamot allergen. Also, grapefruit and citrus oils can be allergens for sensitive-skin patients.” That all sounds pretty spot-on, and even if that’s not the specific reason, I’ll be staying away from oil of bergamot from now on. 0 out of 5 stars for burning sensation.