What are some home remedies to soothe skin? Check out Dr. Visha's answers in Reader's Digest's article "23 Old-Time Home Remedies We’ve Forgotten—but Need to Bring Back ASAP."
Here's a snippet snippet from the piece:
Tea has tons of benefits for both inside and outside your body, such as helping calm puffy eyes—which you grandmother probably knew. "The caffeine in the tea bags helps with vasoconstriction, or shrinking of the blood vessels, around the eyes, leading to less puffiness or swelling skin," says dermatologist Purvisha Patel, MD, creator of Visha Skincare. "The cool temperature also helps decrease inflammation and swelling under the eyes." Simply wring out wet tea bags, place in the fridge for a bit and then put over eyes. Some studies have even shown the caffeine in tea applied topically can also act as sunscreen and help prevent skin cancer.
Stay up to date with the Visha blog for more home remedies for skin in the future!