Blog — skincare tips
How to Get Rid of Acne While Pregnant
If you are pregnant and experiencing adult acne, you may feel embarrassed by the condition, but it is surprisingly common. In fact, many women get excessive breakouts during pregnancy due to natural changes in hormone production. As a result, the oil containing glands in the face may expand and produce more sebum which is the thick and waxy substance associated with acne. However, simple daily care can eliminate the problem. Learn more about the steps you can take to prevent acne during pregnancy below. Start with a Skincare Routine A well balanced and daily routine consisting of proven acne fighting...
What Order Should You Use Skincare Products
We spend a lot of time on our skin, trying to find the best products at the lowest prices and cultivating a routine that works with our lifestyle and skin type. All this effort, however, goes to waste if you put your skincare products on in the wrong order. Putting on products in the wrong order can make even the most luxurious products useless. To make sure you aren’t wasting your products, time, or money, follow each step in the skincare process in the following order. 1. Cleanse Skincare experts agree that cleansing should always be the first step in your...